Hiking in London’s 2024 Modern Slavery Statement
This is Hiking in London’s 2024 Modern Slavery Statement, issued in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It outlines the steps we have taken in the year up to 29 February 2024 to address modern slavery and human trafficking within our own operations, our let estate, and our supply chains.
Our Commitment
Hiking in London (hereafter referred to as 'The Club') is unwavering in its commitment to combating modern slavery in all its forms. We actively promote inclusion, diversity, and fairness, ensuring that any form of unfair or discriminatory treatment is strictly against our values as a community-focused organization.
We acknowledge that modern slavery is an escalating issue globally, exacerbated by current socio-economic conditions that heighten the risks of human trafficking, forced labor, bonded labor, and child labor. Throughout this year, we have intensified our efforts to understand the risks of modern slavery within our operations and have developed comprehensive strategies to manage and mitigate these risks effectively.
This statement has been approved by the Board of Trustees and the Leadership Team of Hiking in London.
About Hiking in London
Hiking in London is a community-driven hiking club dedicated to exploring the natural landscapes surrounding London and beyond. Founded in 2016, our mission is to foster a love for the outdoors, build a strong sense of community among our members, and promote sustainable and ethical practices in all our activities. As a vibrant and inclusive group, we rely on the support of our members, volunteers, staff, and partners to maintain and expand our hiking initiatives.
Our Approach to Combating Modern Slavery
Following an independent review last year, we have engaged with stakeholders to develop a proportionate and effective response to modern slavery. Our Executive Team participated in workshops facilitated by leading consultancies to reaffirm our commitment and outline priority actions, including:
- Developing a Clear Modern Slavery Policy: Establishing comprehensive guidelines to prevent and address modern slavery within our operations and supply chains.
- Providing Training for Staff and Volunteers: Ensuring that all team members are educated on identifying and responding to modern slavery risks.
- Implementing Incident Response and Remediation Procedures: Creating robust processes to address any instances of modern slavery that may arise.
- Publicizing the Modern Slavery Hotline: Making it easy for individuals to report concerns anonymously and confidentially.
- Monitoring and Reporting: Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) to track our progress and effectiveness in combating modern slavery.
We have also developed specific plans to manage modern slavery risks associated with our supply chains, let estate, and the wellbeing of our staff and volunteers.
Our Supply Chain
As a community-focused organization, ethical procurement is paramount. We uphold stringent sustainability standards for all goods and services we procure, emphasizing the environmental, social, and economic impacts of our supply chain activities.
Key Actions:
- Supplier Compliance: We require all suppliers to adhere to our ethical standards, explicitly prohibiting modern slavery in their operations. This is reinforced through our sourcing processes and contractual agreements.
- Sustainable Procurement Strategy: Modern slavery is integrated into our procurement strategy, involving collaboration across teams to ensure ethical sourcing.
- Training and Resources: We provide guidance and training to staff involved in supplier selection and management, particularly for higher-risk products.
- Monitoring and Assessment: Utilizing tools like SEDEX, we continuously monitor our suppliers to ensure compliance with our ethical standards and conduct regular risk assessments.
Future Plans for 2024/25:
- Enhanced Supplier Selection: Integrating modern slavery considerations more deeply into our supplier selection and management policies.
- Supplier Charter: Introducing a Supplier Charter that clearly outlines our expectations regarding modern slavery.
- Risk Mapping: Conducting detailed risk assessments of our higher-risk supply chains to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.
- Independent Audits: Implementing independent ethical audits for key suppliers to ensure ongoing compliance.
Our Let Estate
Hiking in London leases properties for various uses, including homes and business premises. We are dedicated to preventing our properties from being used to facilitate modern slavery and ensuring that our tenants adhere to all relevant laws.
Key Actions:
- Tenant Screening: Conducting background checks on all potential tenants to verify their lawful right to occupy our properties.
- Compliance Requirements: Including clauses in tenancy agreements that prohibit the use of properties for activities that violate the Modern Slavery Act.
- Regular Inspections: Performing periodic inspections to identify any unusual activities or behaviors that may indicate the presence of modern slavery.
- Community Engagement: Maintaining relationships with neighboring properties and local communities to stay informed about any potential issues.
- Financial Monitoring: Tracking rental payments to detect irregularities that could signal exploitation or coercion.
Future Plans for 2024/25:
- Enhanced Training: Reviewing and expanding training options for our Let Estate teams to better recognize and respond to modern slavery indicators.
- Resource Development: Providing comprehensive resources and guidance to landlords to support their role in preventing modern slavery.
Staff and Volunteer Wellbeing
Creating a safe and supportive environment is central to our ethos. We have established robust frameworks to ensure the wellbeing of our staff and volunteers, enabling them to report concerns related to modern slavery confidently.
Key Actions:
- Volunteer Charter: Launched a Volunteer Charter to outline the responsibilities of volunteers in reporting any suspicions of modern slavery.
- Safeguarding Training: Providing annual safeguarding training to equip staff and volunteers with the knowledge to identify and respond to modern slavery.
- Support Systems: Offering confidential channels, such as the Speak Out hotline and an Employee Assistance Programme, for individuals to report concerns or seek advice.
- Diverse and Inclusive Environment: Fostering a culture of diversity and equality through staff networks that provide peer support and promote inclusive practices.
Future Plans for 2024/25:
- Policy Reviews: Continuously reviewing and updating our employment policies to incorporate emerging best practices and legislative changes related to modern slavery.
- Enhanced Support: Expanding our support networks and resources to further ensure the safety and wellbeing of our community members.
Monitoring and Reporting
Hiking in London is dedicated to maintaining transparency and accountability in our efforts to combat modern slavery. We regularly monitor our progress and report on our initiatives to ensure continuous improvement.
Key Actions:
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Tracking specific metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of our modern slavery policies and actions.
- Regular Audits: Conducting internal and external audits to assess compliance with our modern slavery standards.
- Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with members, volunteers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to gather feedback and enhance our strategies.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our Modern Slavery Statement, our efforts to combat modern slavery, or wish to report a concern, please contact us at:
Hiking in London Club Ltd
Address: 15 Dance Square, EC1V 3AJ, London, UK
Email: events@hikinginlondon.co.uk
Phone: 07535 295739
We are committed to ensuring that all hiking adventures with Hiking in London are safe, ethical, and free from modern slavery and human trafficking.
Approved by the Board of Trustees and the Leadership Team of Hiking in London
Date: 29 February 2024
This statement reflects Hiking in London’s dedication to upholding the highest standards of ethical practice and our unwavering commitment to eradicating modern slavery from our operations and beyond.